Tuesday, April 7, 2009

We are afraid of the wrong things

You block your dreams when you allow your fear to grow bigger than your faith - Mary Manin Morrissey

There are one very well-known word that describes "afraid" and it is the word fear.

We all know what fear is. We all hate fear, but we talk about fear. Sing songs about fear. Write about fear. Why, if we hate fear so much? Maybe we feel that if we constantly mention fear it would go away, the fact that are afraid of fear.

The many songs we listen at, is about fear, especially songs about fear of love, fear of losing important things in life. Like now I'm writing about fear, other people write poems about fear.

Is it wrong to fear all these things that people sing about, write about and talk about? Are we trying to get rid of fear by singing, writing and talking about it?

There are so many questions about fear, and just a few answers. But does it matter? No not really, just only if fear runs your life, and you don't have faith anymore.

I end with a great poem of fear and hope by Sri Chinmoy

Know no fear

Hope dares to blossom
Even inside the abysmal abyss

Hope secretly feeds
And strengthens

-Sri Chinmoy


  1. Let’s stop talking about fears and find solutions for our problems...

  2. I agree with the quote you gave. We should not let fear hold us back, that way we will never reach our goals and dreams. And I do think the reason we talk, sing and write about fear is our way of working through it. We need some way to express it in order to overcome it.
